Foundry VTT
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This paragraph tag has a className calling a specific tailwind CSS style

This paragraph tag has a className calling the same tailwind CSS style, using a react component

How to delete a branch

// deletes it from your local. -D if the branch isn't merged and you still want it gone
git branch -d branch_name
// deletes it from the remote    
git push origin :branch_name
// the best utility for cleaning outdated branches.
// It will connect to a shared remote repository remote and fetch all remote branch refs. 
// It will then delete remote refs that are no longer in use on the remote repository.
git fetch --prune

How to get new changes from main branch to my personal branch

There are three branches named 'dev1', 'dev2' and 'main'. I am working on 'dev2' branch and my friend is working on 'dev1' branch. We both are fetching and uploading our code from 'main' branch. ('main' branch is the ultimate branch) Now, suppose I made some changes locally in my 'dev2' branch. Now, I want to push those changes to 'dev2' branch. But, before that, my friend has pushed some changes from'dev1' to 'main' branch. So what should I do?


You need to make sure your current branch(dev1) is up to date with the main branch to avoid conflicts. See steps below

You can stash your changes on your current branch(this will store your changes in a stash while you pull the latest on main):

We're giving this "Step Title" a different id, using markdown mdx so that the anchor has a shorter name "#branch update Step 1" just addind [#branch update Step 1]at the end
git stash

Then check out main and pull the latests changes

git checkout main
git pull

From there you can check out your branch:

git checkout dev1

Then merge the latest changes from main into your branch:

git merge main

After that step you can pop your stash into your newly updated branch:

git stash pop

And now your branch(dev1) has all the latest changes from main as well as the changes you've made locally